Thomas Howard wrote:
>I have just come from my local Smog Check station. The same station that
>has been issuing bits of buracratic paper to my cars for several years.
>This is the first check on the Triumph, the first check under Smog II.
>Well... They produced a book published by the State of California that
>lumps all Triumphs 1.3L & 2.5L (except Stag) into one bunch for the years of
>71 and '72. This catagory specificaly states that all of these cars have
>a dual diaphram distributer setup. (This is of course bunk.) Of all the
>Spits, GT6, TR's, and such there may be a few with the advance/retard
>distributer. Certainly not all. None the less. "Sorry, your car has
>been 'modified', and as such will not pass visual inspection."
>This is a clear error, oversite, omission, in the State's referance book.
>My car was originally sold in California in 1972 and has been passing smog
>checks ever since smog check have existed. Now, in l997, the 1997 Smog
>Regulation volume has listed equipment that the car has never had, BUT is
>required to have.
There are two ways to deal with government...obey like sheep or (as in
this case) find out what must be done to get the state to correct the
book. If you Tom has a problem here then so will many others. The local
Triumph clubs in CA must try to find out how to correct such governmental
screw-ups or they will be forever dealing with the inaccurate data.
If someone at least finds out there is a way to file corrected
information with the state so an addendum can be issued, then all
other Triumph owners benefit.
Maybe all it takes is a few calls.
Bill Sohl Budd Lake, NJ