I don't have the dimensions here at work, but it is something like 16 - 8
- 12 from the tonneau rail up. On mine this did not line up the seams
exactly on the sticks and I haven't tried to adjust them. My thoughts are
that if they are exactly on the sticks it might put more tension on the
seams which in turn may cause them to rip out quicker. (Any thoughts out
there?) I will look at it tonight and let you know which direction they
are off.
There is a webbing anchor kit available from TRF which includes the
webbing the metal anchor plates and necessary screws. The webbing is
either black or natural (that can be dyed if desired). I think they were
about $15.
| CARL F. MUSSON, Coordinator INTERNET:musson@arts.usf.edu |
| Tampa, FL Opinions expressed are mine and not of my employer.|
\ '58 TR3A (TS25264L) - http://www.arts.usf.edu/~musson/triumph/ /