> From: Spitfire 1500 <spitfire1500@dalton.net>
> Subject: GT6 Engine Questions
> Good Day All!
> Just a couple quick questions about GT6 engines. I have a GT6+
> engine/'box and front clip I'm installing on my 77 Spit 1500 (for
> explanation of why, see my web site). What are the pluses and minuses
> of the 6+ (mk.2) engine as compared to the mk.1 and mk.3 engines.
You will end up with the car Triumph should have made in the
first place. The Mk2 engine has an improved cylinder head with
larger valves and ports than the MkI engine but without the
lowered compression and smog stuff that comes with the Mk3's.
Good luck getting it through emissions testing.