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TR-3 Air Cleaners

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: TR-3 Air Cleaners
From: (Warren Allen)
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 16:44:44 -0600
          A recent thread about air cleaners reminded me of a question 
          I've been meaning to ask . . .
          I used to get disposable air filters for my '60 TR-3, with 
          paper elements, at most any foreign car parts store (this 
          was several years ago).  They finally got hard to find and 
          expensive ($10-15 each), so I finally broke down and got the 
          permanent kind with reusable elements from TRF.  I've never 
          been sure what I was supposed to do with the elements, which 
          (as I recall) consists of a black net-like substance, with 
          no foam, which is sort of what I expected.  Foam (if it was 
          there) would soak up oil and (I think) help with the 
          filtering process.  This net-like stuff doesn't hold oil 
          very well (rather large mesh, not fine at all), and doesn't 
          appear to be able to trap the fine dust etc.
          So, what is being done out there for air filtration?  What 
          is the proper technique for using these filters?  Or is 
          there something better that I should be using?  I hope my 
          descriptions make sense.  I will be glad to try to elaborate 
          if necessary.

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