> If I try turning the bolts holding the flywheel on the motor turns and all I
> do is go round and round , short of sticking a screw driver down a plug hole
> and wedging the piston I can't come up with a way, just kidding on the
> screwdriver?
> Chet
Chet: try one of these, it usually does the trick for me:
1.) Get a 1/2" drive breaker bar with the proper socket to grip the
crank pulley. Have an assitant hang on while you tend to the flywhell
end of things.
2.) Get a piece of angle iron, and drill it so that you can bolt it to
the back of the block and wedge the end into the teeth of the fly wheel.
I've seen a similar set up for sale at autoparts stores, but why buy
when the tools already in your scrap pile?