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To: Triumph owners list <>
Subject: MJB/AOL
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 96 15:50:12 EST
Comments: Converted from PROFS to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2X
Hey gang! now that we've either vilified or deified Mark, how about
we follow the advice of the person (apologies for forgetting who it was)
who suggested that we all become part of the solution.

Here's a couple of the ideas that came up:

Change mailers. Juno IS free. What possible excuse can there be for not
trying it? (Besides, having tried AOL my second question is; what possible
reason could there be for staying with THAT mailer?)

Sign off for vacation. I do this regularly when I'll be out of the office
for more than a weekend. It really cuts down on the volume when I get back.
(I no longer have to call our sys-admin to get extra disk space to clean
out my mail box. - A few times asking for more space and they'll start
looking at why my volume is so high and if they find out it's 99% personal...)

Voluntarily go to the digest. It's really not that bad, and besides as John
Lye points out, it cuts out the multiple copies of messages that some folks
send. So far I've gotten about eight copies of one of the messages
complaining about Mark's decision. (See how much attention I pay to *that*
guy's postings in the future!)

I agree. It is annoying to have someone else make a decision that effects
you and how you use your computer, but so is getting 500 error messages at
4 am. And it WOULD be a shame to lose all those good folks and their
contributions just because they're afflicted with AOL. (Hey, us PROFS users
have to look down on *someone*! :-))

Mark's backed off a bit, now's the time for all AOL users to take a
pro-active part in solving the problem.

Whatd'ya say gang?


Rik Schlierer                "Destiny does not send us heralds.
RGS03@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US       She is too wise or too cruel for

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