A recent mishap on the MG list has finally prompted me to get around to doing
something I've been meaning to do for quite some time now. Any and all
aol.com addresses will only be allowed to subscribe to the digest version.
Aol.com users on the regular list have been moved to the digest list.
Basically, the aol.com subscribers account for about 5 to 6 percent of the
list memberships, but about 25 to 30 percent of the many hundreds of error
messages I get each day is from aol.com. Obviously, the easist thing for me
to do would be to just refuse any and all mail from an aol address, but I
don't want to punish all the folks due to a handful of twits. So aol people
will still get the mail, but only once a day, and I won't get back an error
message for each and every posting to the list from wayward aol folks, just
one from each issue of the digest.