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Re: triumph reliabilty

Subject: Re: triumph reliabilty
From: Gregory Petrolati <>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 1996 08:14:15 -0600 (CST)
On Tue, 5 Nov 1996 wrote:

> I am considering buying a TR-6.  My only concern is the reliabilty.  I'm
> going to be driving the car every day in good conditions, (good weather), and
> am wondering how often I can expect a car (say, 90% restored) to break down
> and how costly it normally will be to repair.  Any advice is appreciated.
> thanks....
        It'll depend on what you start with (I mean how good a car you 
        purchase). It doesn't mean that a show quality car will be any 
        better than a daily driver. Sometimes a lot of good looking 
        cosmetics can hide a multitude of sins. The important thing is
        to find a car that is well maintained to begin with... Get as
        much information about the car as you can... Joining a Local 
        Triumph club is a start. Learn as much as you can about TR6's. 
        Take someone who knows about them with you when you go look. 

        Spend your money wisely. Get the best example you can afford, 
        and then expect to spend more to "sort the car out". Consider 
        that these cars work best when you tinker with them... You will 
        learn by tinkering yourself, than if you let a mechanic do all 
        the work. This will help you avoid major repairs by fixing the 
        little problems before they become big ones. Don't be afraid to 
        drive it a lot... A friend once said to me, "Non-use is abuse"... 
        I believe it!

        It's definitely a "Caveat Emptor" kind of thing you're doing. As 
        the Scots would say "Gang warily"...

        Greg Petrolati                         1962 TR4 
        "That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois

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