Well for the record I've used the POR 15 product on my TR3A Frame and while
I'm certain that the product has sealed the frame well enough (without the
use of a primer as recommended), I somewhat regret my choice. The product is
just too 'High Tech' as it dries to an extremely glossy finish. As a result
it emphasizes each and every surface imperfection. It certainly looks shinny
and bright, but IMHO it looks like a high tech (read: cheap) 'cover up'. I
brushed on the finish as the manufacturer does not recommend significant
reduction. Given the relative high cost of the product I though I would
achieve better coverage by brushing it on - as opposed to spray application.
It flows out moderately well and while most brush marks flow out, it's not
as smooth an application as conventional spraying. I did compromise and use
PPG-DP50 (epoxy primer) Inside my rails. I simply plugged all the holes
with corks and poured a quart of DP-50 down each and rotated the frame to
provide through (?) coverage. Quite a mess as one would expect, with ploy
sheets over the floor of the garage and all. I guess these High Tech
products have many useful application, I'm just not certain they should be
employed while undertaking a restoration. If someone is looking for a quick
high tech solution to a Rusty Frame, then this product should be one of
their first choices. But If you are going through the trouble of
sandblasting or stripping (as I just did), then conventional coatings are
likely to provide more desirable results.
Ron Botting
Surrey, B.C. Canada
57' TR3A (TS23731)