libertyc wrote:
> Micheal - Even when my plugs were brand new, I had this miss. I've
> checked carb and valve gaps, changed out plugs, wires, rotor, cap, and
> condenser. I'm thinking its still ignition related. Perhaps new coil
> and electronic ignition? Plugs 6 and 2 aren't significantly wetter than
> others.
> Thanks for feedback.
> You're welcome. I notice in the list of parts you mention above, you
don't mention points. I suppose that's an oversight. If the points are
partially grounded (from dirt and/or wear), you could be bleeding a
little current off to ground all the time, which would either make the
coil quit completely, or be very weak; or the coil could be on its way
out, period. Most fail fairly quickly once they begin to short
internally, but I have seen some take a while before they went completely
If you don't have one, I'd really suggest getting a cheap digital
ohmmeter (they can be had for about $20 in discount stores and are
probably adequate for occasional use) and start checking for shorts to
ground all through the primary circuit. Once you know that everything is
okay there (i.e., proper voltage at the coil power terminal, ground when
the points are closed at the ground terminal of the coil, and high
resistance when the points are open), then you can be fairly certain that
the coil is making life difficult for you.