On Tue, 23 Jul 1996, libertyc wrote:
> Now keep in mind that my compression is rotten across the board (95-100),
If measured on a warm engine, all plugs out, that isn't very good, no. If
consistent, could be the instrument of course. But then again, not very
likely when you have an indication of oily plugs!
> and my plugs are oily, (indicating rings, guides or valves bad?).
Any or all of the above, I'd say. If by valves you mean valve guides.
Plain oily plugs aren't a good sign. It *could* of course be mistaken for
soot due to an extremely rich mixture, in which case the exhaust will
appear blackish. Oil burning will appear blueish.
A squirt of oil into the cylinder will normally tell whether if the loss
of compression is due to psiton ring or valve leakage with a significant
increase in compression in the first case).
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