Sounds like the regulator was the orginal problem.
Such a generator controls the out put voltage by a relay that cuts in
resistance to change the flow of current in the field coil. When you
apply full voltage to the field you will get a lot of output.
However, you should not be able to get 40 volts output. First the battery
should act as a shunt and load down the generator at no more the about 18
volts. What kind of meter are you useing? Some types can respond to
spikes and an AC component to give a bad reading. At that point the
internal resistance of the generator coils will dissapate a lot of energy
and at some point in the near future wil "fry".
The solution. First verify all contacts and internal resistor values in
the regulatro. There a some wire-wound resistory that may have been
tampered with or the relay contracts very well might be fused closed.
When you have a good regulator, remember to polarize the generator befor
starting up the system.
Thomas Howard
LUSD, (619) 3930-2627
('72 Triumph GT-6; and a good bit of USA iron)