> My son, who lives on the opposite coast, is having problems removing
> the top crashpad, and its not covered in the shop manual. Anyone ever
>I've just had a look at the one on my `70 GT6 (they should be similar),
and there are six weld studs attached to the crash pad (in three pairs,
each pair about six inches apart). These go through six slotted holes
in the dash top, about two inches in from the front edge of the
dash, and are captured by nuts on the underside of the dash top.
With these nuts off, the pad should slide back, then up and out.
If the nuts have been removed, and the pad still doesn't want to budge,
it's probably that the asemblers got a little wild with the contact
cement and it is cement-bonded at some places, and may require something
like a thin putty knife slipped between the dash and the pad and worked
around to loosen one from the other.