> It is my understanding that the o-ring was realy a square ring and that the
> correct ring is seldom, if ever available anymore. However, my local
> was able to find some stock o-rings that are working , SO FAR.
> Suggest taking old o-ring to local 0-ring supplier for best match.
> supplied by your usual mail order TR parts house did not work!
I posted this a little earlier, but I'll pass the info on to you also, After
removing the needle from the piston, use a small mallet and a short section
of 1/4" wooden dowel to tap the adjusting assembly back up and out the top of
the damper bore. The star washer will come out first and it's tiny - don't
lose it!
The replacement "O" ring is 3/8" O.D., 1/4" I.D., leaving a 1/16" cross
section. It's a standard profile, not square cut. Check with your local
hydraulic supply house and ask for a Buna-N compound, Nitrile should work
Good luck,
Charlie B.
Capital Triumph Register