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Re: Jacking it UP!

Subject: Re: Jacking it UP!
Date: Wed, 29 May 17:52:46 1996
>I lift my car by the front crossmember

Of the cars I have, several have bent, cracked, or mangled front
crossmembers.  This piece is level and straight on a new frame,
no, it didn't come with a bend...  its not a good jack point.

Don't use a bottle jack either, I have some frames that have marks
all over the front sections.  This frame is just thin metal and
bends, cracks, etc. become water/rust traps.

My suggestion, buy a second cheap floor jack and lift the front/rear
under the meaty area where the wheels mount on the front and where
all the pieces meet in the rear.  A piece of 4x4 would work, but most
of these cars lack the clearance to get it under there.

Roger G. Bolick,, (512) 794-9567, FAX 345-2879

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