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Re: Head Gasket - TR6

Subject: Re: Head Gasket - TR6
Date: Wed, 29 May 17:30:22 1996
>thin blade between the head and block to begin prying it up.

If you scar the block, its time for a complete rebuild as it
will have to be honed...

I recall a spot at front and rear where you can get some rocking
going, coupled with rust remover, it might break loose.  I had
a stuck one and removed all the studs (double nut approach)
except one, after 10 nights of "rocking" and soaking with rust
remover, it would rotate and I managed to break it loose.  The
bolts on the right front protrude into the water jacket and can
be rusted solid.   Never got the one bolt out even with the head
removed.  After this I caught an "better" method, maybe someone
has tried this:

Pick two cylinders that top out together, fill cylinder with equal
amounts of rope via spark plug hole.  Now pushing the car in gear
should lift the head.

Based on my experience, removing the studs first, then using the
rope trick would probably have worked great.  Don't loose the
end of the rope else you won't be able to drive it to the shop if
you give up.


Roger G. Bolick,, (512) 794-9567, FAX 345-2879

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