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Couldn't resist

To: "'BRITISH CARS'" <>, "'Healeys'" <>, "'Jensen Cars'" <>, "'MG Newsgroup'" <>, "'MORGANS'" <>, "'TRIUMPHS'" <>
Subject: Couldn't resist
From: Wes Grady <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 11:44:06 -0400
Please don't get angry that I am crossposting, but I just heard the funniest 
story ever and wanted to share it with you all.

First, I am an attorney in a small, upstate New York town.  I am in general 
practice so I do a lot of different things and yesterday a long standing and 
rather strange client came to my office.  Obviously upset, he had just been 
arrested on Driving While Intoxicated.  He had a blood alcohol level of .18%, 
or just about twice the legal limit.  Was caught driving down the street 
without headlights, made a left turn without signaling and drove over the lawn 
of the next door neighbor before hitting his garage door.  Police were in 
pursuit at the time.  He failed the field sobriety check and they then arrested 
him and he submitted to the breath test.

Now, that is certainly not funny, but his reasons for being drunk are a 
classic.  Seems he had a water hose break on his car last week and when he 
fixed it, he didn't have any antifreeze.  So, he emptied two quarts of Vodka 
into the cooling system and then added a bottle of 200 proof grain alcohol.  
Now, as he was driving down the road, the alternator seized, breaking the fan 
belt and caused the engine to overheat, which blew the top hose on his 
radiator.  He had no electrical power, hence no lights, no turn signals and 
since he had no lights, he couldn't see the lawn.  He was drunk, not because he 
had been drinking, but because the engine overheated and boiled over and he 
drove for several miles breathing in the alcohol fumes from the boiling 

See, it really wasn't his fault, it was the CAR'S fault!  So help me, he told 
me this story with a straight face and kept cursing at the car.  It wasn't an 
LBC, but it was old....

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  • Couldn't resist, Wes Grady <=