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brake piston inserting

Subject: brake piston inserting
From: thompson@ridgeback.East.Sun.COM (Keith B. Thompson - Sun)
Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 09:07:45 -0400
Cc: keith@ridgeback.East.Sun.COM
> From Tue May 14 18:47 EDT 1996
> Subject: Re: brake piston removal
> In a message dated 96-05-13 09:09:22 EDT, thompson@ridgeback.East.Sun.COM
> (Keith B. Thompson - Sun) writes:
> >in my on-going saga of front end rebuilding i picked up
> >a disk brake refurb kit including new pistons. my question
> >is HOW DO YOU REMOVE THE OLD POSTONS? these suckers just
> >don't want to budge and i am fearfull of applying too much
> >force and busting somthing.
> One sure fire way is to reconnect the hydrolics and pump the brake pedal.
>  That will get one out.
> If you think this is fun wait until you put them back together.
> Have fun
> Dave
> TR6Massey@aol,com

ok, now that you have mentioned it, and before i take the old
ones out... how do you get the pistons (new ones) back in?

if they are that difficult perhaps i should leave things alone.
i hate to do that since the rubber bits on the calipers are gone
and everything else i have taken apart on this car so far has
needed refurbishing.


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