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Re: Pilot bush question (Spitfire)

Subject: Re: Pilot bush question (Spitfire)
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 19:10:22 -0400
In a message dated 96-05-02 22:07:34 EDT, 103110.1323@CompuServe.COM (Bob
Sykes) writes:

>Good Day Worldly Scions,
>I'm just changing my first gearbox pilot bushing.  I thought
>it would be difficult to get the old one out.  I think there was
>a thread on this list about it.  The old one came out easily,
>almost too easy it seems.  The new one goes in just as easily.
>I can insert / remove it with my finger.
>Shouldn't it fit tighter than this?  I'm assuming it is an
>interference fit in the fly-wheel and should not spin with respect
>to it.  If this is so, can I "pack" the crank hole with something like
>aluminum foil to take up the space? I can find nothing in Haynes
>or Bentley about this.  Any worldly net wisdom appreciated.
>Not wanting to bodge
>Bob Sykes   -  - -     __,@_\____    
>'78 Spitfires -  --    }-0-----0->     

These things typically just slide in.  If you try to shim it you may offset
it and it won't center.  If there is a lot of axial play then the crank may
need repair\replacement - lets hope that is not necessary.


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