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Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc

Subject: Re: driving tests, speed limits, etc
From: Gregory Urban <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 09:23:10 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 7 May 1996 wrote:

> In a message dated 96-05-07 11:30:57 EDT, (Joseph M.
> Kramlinger) writes:
> > And hey, 
> >everyone of you was sixteen at some point, right?
> Joey,
> I hate to sound like the old man here, but I said the same thing at 16, 17,
> 18, 19, etc... Around the age of 25, I sounded more like I do now. Maybe it
> has something to do with having kids of your own? I guess I have too many
> memories of stupid things that my friends and I have done. While I have
> refused to completely grow up, I do use much better judgement (and can
> finally afford cars that will not take an active role in trying to kill me!)

Yeah, but too many people laughed at the story of the family cramming 6 
people into a Spitfire.  Duh, this is *stupid* and *dangerous*.

Not to rain on your parade, but my observation is that people don't get 
wiser as they age, just more scared.

Greg U

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