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Re: carpet removal..

Subject: Re: carpet removal..
From: (Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles )
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 96 20:12:27 EST
 To:    Triumphs List,          Inet    

 From: Neil Beasley  on Monday:
I have carpet to put in my TR 6. What is  the proper way to 
secure the carpet to the floor? It obviously isn't glue. Maybe I 
should glue the insulation mat to the floor but then I have to 
hold the carpet down somehow. 


There are others on the list who are more familiar with the TR-6
than me.  I think on the Spitfire the original carpet was a molded
one piece design.  For aftermarket installations I think some sets
use snaps.  On all other installations I've looked at the carpet
was glued down to the floor.

Anybody else out there on the list wanna add their 2 cents?

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4 (undergoing surgery)

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