Andrew Mace of the Verrifast Triumph Register and the Damn
Francois Truffaut To Hell Club wrote:
> >
> > OK, Bruce, occasionally I can be pretty dense, but what's so hard about
> > replacing the rear spring on a Herald?....
On Tue, 31 Oct 1995, wrote:
> There's usually a lot of monkeying around with a spring lifter
> (pronounced "cheater bar")
We on the East Coast call it a crowbar.
> ...Not needed with later swing-spring models like the Spitfire.
Yeah, it takes a real MAN to change a Herald spring! ;-)
> I've found that one can obviate the need for the used-for-no-other-
> purpose spring lifter by living dangerously with a scissors jack.
> Put a block under the axle, slip the scissors jack between the...
I always thought that was why Triumph put that little recess across the
length of the top of the scissors jack. It always seemed to fit so
nicely onto the bottom part of the rear vertical link, if one orients
the jack "north/south".
> - Dan "In fact, what's a Triumph?" Parslow
Andy "got me, can anyone help Dan with this one?" Mace