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Re: Ranting

Subject: Re: Ranting
From: Mike A Gendimenico <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 95 14:00:00 PDT
Text item: 

     Must be something about new people in the area.  When I moved to the south 
     bay from back east, I was hit three times the first 1 1/2 years.  Since, 
     1986, I've only been in one accident, when a drunk driver hit us.  Because 
     of the population and high concentration of drivers, its no wonder there 
     are so many accidents.  
     However, don't generalize California by one area. I live up in the 
     mountains, 15 miles from the valley and regulary leave my garage and cars 
     unlocked, unless we go on vacation or something.  Nothing has ever been 
     vandalized or stolen since we live there, in fact I accidentaly left the 
     keys in my GT6 for 2 weeks while we were away on vacation.  I had more 
     thefts/vandalism on my cars in a small city in PA than over here!!  I 
     like driving in the city either, but that's how it is in many citiesn not 
     only in SF!  
     What is the MATTER with you BAY AREA folks!!!!
O.K., I know most people in the bay are great people.  But,
San Francisco, like all large cities, sure has its share @%$#%@& 
idiots.  A little history of my spit/6's 3 months in San Francisco:

     The first day I arrive in town, some old woman (who
should not have had a driver's license) side swipes the entire 
driver's side of the car.  About a month later someone backs 
the hood with and old beater pickup.  Just recently, some ass 
keyed the driver's side door.  And finally, about two days ago, 
someone keyed every body panel on the entire car! Every panel!

     I guess its just a matter of time until takes the rims and
rips the stereo out...  I just don't understand the mentality of the 
people who do this.  I mean why wreck something just because its 
nice?  I hate to generalize, but California is VERY different from 
the Midwest.  By the way, all of this happened in the Richmond 
district of the city.  I'd say your best policy is to avoid driving 
any car you care about in the city.

William Woodruff      
Ann Arbor, MI

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Date: Wed, 25 Oct 1995 16:16:47 -0400
Subject: Ranting
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