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Lists, etc.

To: triumphs
Subject: Lists, etc.
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 21:52:42 -0600
Long time mail reader Lee Daniels says:

   Over three years ago the big list got into a political discussion, the
   final word of which got at least two members forcefully booted from the
   list by the administrator.

Gee, I don't remember this exactly.  I do take folks off the list almost every
day, but that is usually due to full mailboxes for and compuserve
people, as well as addresses which send constant bounces.  I don't remember
actually removing anyone for content, though I certainly am tempted often.

If there are folks who want an early TR list, then do it.  I won't, as I am on
the verge of pulling the plug on all lists these days, but talk myself out
of it by the second or third cup of coffee.

You know, I *would* do it, under the proper circumstances.  I'd have to go pro.

I just counted up the number of folks subscribed to the various lists hosted
by, and if I could get away with charging, say, $5.00 for a
three month subscription, or $20 per year, there would be enough money to pay
for a non-university net connection, a dedicated mail/web/ftp server, *and*
my full-time devotion.  Well, not quite full-time, I do have this gaggle of
Triumphs to restore.  And a number of gas tanks to check out.  And if everyone
were a paying customer, I'd even have to be nice to pre-pubescent twits who
stole the free AOL disk from a computer mag at the local bookstore.  Yikes!

Of course, I imagine about 95% of the folks on these lists would drop off
immediately if they had to actually PAY for the stuff they are getting now,
for free, courtesy of your federal tax dollars, Utah state education money,
and my good nature.

Needs more thought, and I should be working on my TR3 project at the moment.
But I think I'll have another can of beer, though I would rather it be a


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