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Re: early TR list? <

Subject: Re: early TR list? <>
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 19:59:05 PDT
>>> said:
 > What do you mean split up? all triumphs are together, I don't want to hear
 > about MG's and Austins, etc.

I'm with Chris.  I own a Triumph, and I love it, but I also like other makes 
of LBCs.  I *like* hearing about MGs, and Austins, and Lotuses, and Morrises, 
and Ford Anglias and so on.  Often I learn something that could help me fix
my Triumph.

Case in point: someone posted an article to British cars a while ago about 
redoing the covers on his MGB seats.  I'm right no win the middle of doing the
same to my TR6.  Sure, the seats are built differently and the exact directions
don't apply, but a lot does: hot melt glue RULES, take it easy and slow, put
the covers in the sun for an hour before mounting them, and so on.  It was 
really helpful, and I'd never have seen it if I only read Triumphs.

Some of my best friends drive MGs.  Heck, I'd even let my wife drive one.
There's nothing wrong with them.  I think some of us need to loosen up and 
get a broader perspective.  Heck, one of my friends recently bought an 
*Italian* car!  Good grief.

Now if you want to argue that you get too much mail, *that* you might get me
to sympathise with, but not whining about "Euuuw, I don't wanna hear about
those yucky MGs!"


(P.S. I know you didn't say that; that's what it *sounds* like *to me*.)

Berry Kercheval :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

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