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Re: Spitfire MkIII with Toledo Engine<950822221629_100567.1611_BHJ51-2@C

To: Andy Gascoigne <>
Subject: Re: Spitfire MkIII with Toledo Engine<950822221629_100567.1611_BHJ51-2@CompuServe.COM>
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 1995 09:31:52 +0000 (GMT)
Greg wrote(how are you Greg):-

>>I have a '70 MkIII which has had its engine replaced with a Toledo one, I'm
>>about to have the engine re-built (it's about the only think left untouched),
>>because of an odd ticking noise - plus I'd like to get it de-coked etc. Also 
>>would be good to know what's inside, the timing needs to be set to TDC or even
>>ATDC and even then it sometimes pinks.
>>Any suggestions of what I should get done at the same time - once you've paid
>>to have the head taken off - you might as we'll do everything you're going to

>>I'd considered trying to get it 'normalised' to a Mk IV style engine - Cams
>>etc, but is this the right thing to do?

Andy wrote:-

>I had (sniff) a Mk3 and it had a non Mk3 engine. It was a MkIV but was down on
>power - seems like the US regulations even hit them over here (almost 2 seconds
>quicker 0-60 & 95Mph rather than 90 - but then who's gonna do 90+ in a Spit an'
>live to tell the tale...?)

>If you're going to have 'the works' done I'd forget a MKIV and stretch to
>getting a 'real' Mk3 engine - John Hill's had some 'to order' a while back
>(Rimmers just did MkIV & 1500's) and Triumphtune could always make your dreams
>come true ;-)

>...other than that try a 1500 unit (but then to get the best out of it you
>should fit the gearbox, the diff & nearly everything else - should zing along

I'm gonna write:-

I may be wrong, please say if I am, but apart from the recessed block and the
bigger bearings on the crank, I thought the main(power increasing) difference 
between the Mk 3 and MK IV engines were a hotter cam and bigger valves in the 
MK 3 engine. I think early MK IV's had the bigger valves though.  As I said 
though, I ain't perfect(I once bought a Citroen), so I could be wrong.


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  • Re: Spitfire MkIII with Toledo Engine<950822221629_100567.1611_BHJ51-2@CompuServe.COM>, Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570 <=