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Re[2]: electrical problems ??

To:, "Jon Moody (BME)" <>
Subject: Re[2]: electrical problems ??
From: "jpratchi" <>
Date: Thu, 03 Aug 95 15:46:49 est
Jon asks:
>I keep hearing about low tension and high tension leads.  What does
>tension mean in an electrical context ? Does it  refer to the amount of
>amperage the wires conduct or am I barkin up the wrong tree ? Thanks for
>the suggestion.

   "Tension" refers to voltage.  "High tension" is the high voltage, i.e spark, 
circuits and "low tension" is the low voltage, i.e. battery, circuits of the 
electrical system.  The "tension" is proportional to the tightness of your 
muscles when you grab hold of a "hot lead".  You can control your muscles when 
you grab a battery lead at 12 volts, but it is all you can do to keep from 
wetting yourself when you grab a live spark plug lead!

   regrads,   John Pratchios

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