i was crushed when i discovered that my vaction with out-laws coincided
with VTR- even though i'm still a voyeur (don't own triumph yet!), i love
to look at the things- wife and i were driving from St. Paul to Chicago,
decided to go through Galena (IL), saw a very nice spit 1500 in the
restaurant parking ramp and a beautiful tr3 on the road, went through
rockford about 6PM, didn't see any of you on the road!
where will it be next year?
Joseph R Schneider, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Northwestern University Medical School
100 Burch, Evanston Hospital, 2650 Ridge Ave, Evanston, IL 60201
voice: (708) 570-2565 fax: (708) 570-2899 e-mail: joe-schneider@nwu.edu
"We don't need no stinkin' UNIX" (attributed to j-norstad@nwu.edu)