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VTR Notes...

To: ""@tin
Subject: VTR Notes...
From: (Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626)
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 1995 11:56:01 -0500
I'm back at work after my first VTR national convention, and it was great. I got
to meet several folks I only knew by .sigs, and I got to see one heck of a lot
of nice Triumphs.

My wife drove the 68 Spit and drove the 69 GT6+ up there. No problems either
direction, although the alternator in the GT6 gave up the ghost. We had a small
caravan of 5 cars going up, two TR6s, my two cars, and a TR3.

In the autocross John Lye took FTD with his TR4, and mjb & friends put in a
good showing. mjb needs to install one of those spring-mounted waving hands
to lower his times a bit, however...

A couple of members of this list won participants choice awards, and earned
them. Congratulations to Mike Burdick for winning with his Spit mk3, and to
Margaret Watson for winning (was it third?) with her 1500. Both had some really
stiff competition, but not from me. I had a Mk3 Spit there, but it looked like
the homely little stepsister of all these really nice cars. I won in the GT6
category, but that's because I was the only one entered! All the nice cars went
to the concours...

Saw some beautiful cars, and some abominations. Each in the eye of the beholder,
of course.

One note to Mike Burdick (sorry I don't seem to have your email address here) -
I checked my 1970 Mk3 Spit and it does, indeed, have a dynamo and a control box.
I was wrong when I said it had an alternator.

Note to Margaret Watson: I promise to wash my car when I go to Albany.

Note to Mark Joslyn: I'll start sending you newsletters.

Note to Rik Schlierer: Any good campgrounds fairly close to the site of the 1996
VTR? I'm thinking about RVing up there, trailering a Triumph, to cut costs.

Thanks to the ISOA for a good show, and to all the owners of the 250+ cars for
bringing them!


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