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Lucas - Prince of Darkness

Subject: Lucas - Prince of Darkness
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 11:30:28 +0000 (GMT)
Hello all,

Just a note to ask if anyone has any knowledge on auto electrics.  I been
chatting to a list member whose electrics are playing up and keep draining his
battery within a couple of miles, even with a new battery and a new alternator. 
Any ideas, also the car is fitted with an Alternator to replace the previous
dynamo(generator), so I am wondering wouldn't that make the control box
redundant(could this be draining the power) other than as a means to connect a 
few various wires together.  Any help by anyone would be appreciated, how about
you Phil W, you work with electrons all day, any ideas :-)
My personnal knowledge of electrics extends to getting an unhealthy dose of 240v
off a Drill in the garage the other the other day(Oouch).  So there was nearly
one list member less :-) (R.I.P), who said men don't scream!!!!

Also, would anyone mind if I publicized the list a bit in the TSSC magazine,
I'm sure they are many Triumph owners out there who have internet access but
haven't the address of the list.  Any objections, constructive critisms,
flames, etc post to the list so everyone can make their comments.


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