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Re: Oil feed jazz and bearing blues

Subject: Re: Oil feed jazz and bearing blues
From: (Gary Schneider)
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 95 10:11:02 CDT
Thanks to Phil Willson for his thoughtful and helpful commentary! He writes:

>Now, in my view, if there is no further knocking once the pressure has built
>up and the light has gone out, then 
>your engine is fine - if it continues to knock then it's time for some serious
>work to be done.

That sounds like good news for several of the worried correspondents. Phil
or anyone have experience of engines running a long life despite start-up
knock? I would expect the knock to indicate a little more bearing material
is being chewed each startup. The next interesting question seems to be at
what point in the downhill slope should you address it before the crank is
in danger.

>Now to the rocker feed pipes has been suggested that they should not
>be fitted to engines that have a lot of 
>general wear since oil is taken away from where it is needed most and the
>pressure at the crankshaft falls further 
>than is desirable.. it appears that the feed kits currently available do not 
>have a restrictor and so their use should be properly and carefully considered.

I was one who observed the drop. The kit I obtained from TRF does not have
an obvious restriction, just a flexible line of appr. 1/8" ID. I saw a
10-15# drop on the gauge on a rebuilt motor with all new valve gear and a
downward-hanging spinon filter. The drop in pressure makes me a little
nervous for the reasons Phil points out. At this point I'm thinking of
removing it because I'd rather replace a worn rocker shaft than a scored

Gary Schneider, Nicolet Instrument Technologies
phone: 608-276-6172, Fax: 608-273-5061, Internet:

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