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Re: Wow!!!

To: (Thomas Augustus Kimberly),
Subject: Re: Wow!!!
From: (John Lupien)
Date: Fri, 26 May 95 10:07:23 EDT
Cc:, RLET@wcnd.utrecht.ATTGIS.COM,,
> Not that I am ready to sell the TR6 or anything it has entirely too much
> class, history, and personality to do that BUT.... tonight my roommate
> finally let me drive his Eagle Talon TSI AWD and DAMN!!! that thing goes. 
> So,  where can I find a supercharger
> for the TR6?  I figure that and some nice minilites with good stickies on
> them are all I need to get that kind of go and keep my Triumph.  

It's your car... but if it were mine, I'd work on keeping it 6-ish and
get a Talon (Eclipse, actually) for the Eclipse experience. Wait 'till
they're a bit older and a lot cheaper, or spend a bunch now and just get
it, but the point of a TR6 is something a good bit different from that
of an Eclipse. Oh yeah, and definitely keep the Triumph...

John R. Lupien

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