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Cowl/Scuttle Shake

Subject: Cowl/Scuttle Shake
From: (Chris Amley - 3M Co. - St. Paul, MN)
Date: Thu, 18 May 1995 22:06:02 -0500
I think my TR-3A has scuttle shake, or cowl shake.  Can anyone describe
it?  A reprinted road report from _The Motor_ in Piggott's _Super Profile_
mentions scuttle shake, and I remember reading the term "cowl shake" in
Road & Track in the '60's.  But it seems to be one of those terms
the writers assumed was understood by the readers.

What my car exhibits is a shake, shimmy, or oscillation, with a period of
about 1/2 second (or, it shakes about 2 times / second) at about 60mph.
The speed at which this sets in varies--sometimes it starts at about 62mph.
At a few mph higher, it seems to go away.  This is not a violent shaking, but
it's certainly noticeable, and enough to make me speed up or slow down to avoid
the effect.                                  

The front suspension is in good shape (although the dampers have some mileage
on them), the wheels are true and balanced, and I just replaced the rear axle
bearings (lot of that going on these days).  

So if someone could describe cowl or scuttle shake, I'd be able to see
how the description matches with my experience.


Chris Amley                   
TR-3A TS39449L

"Opinions expressed herein are my own and do not necessarily represent
those of 3M."

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