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Re[2]: Pulling Tranny's

Subject: Re[2]: Pulling Tranny's
From: "jpratchi" <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 95 07:49:17 est
>The main problem with "replacing" them is that when they go it is a 
>99 percrnt possibility that The rear main bearing is worn were the T 
>washer goes,  But believe me,  When they shoot out of there you wont 
>need a dial gauge to fing out...

   When they "fall out" your oil pressure will drop like a stone.  The valves 
will get noisy at speeds above ~35mph.  When my '74 dropped its washers, I had 
fitted an oil pressure gauge from an MG between the fuel gauge and temperature 
gauge (moved the light switch above the gauges) and I saw my oil pressure drop 
from 45 psi to 5 psi instantly. I was able to limp home slowly, but when I 
approached 40 mph the valve lifters would rattle.  If I knew then (five years 
ago) what this list has taught me over the last week, I would have rebuilt the 
engine.  As it was, I replaced the engine and discarded the carcass.

   regards,   John

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