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Spitfire differential

Subject: Spitfire differential
From: "Robert E. H. Clark" <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 1995 15:05:12 -0600
Greetings from New Mexico, the land of Enchantment.  I have been lurking
here for a few weeks.  I have been getting our two Spitfires out on the road
this month.  I was quickly reminded of the problem I had been having last fall
when I stopped driving mine for the winter - the differential sounds like it
is getting ready to give up the ghost.  There is a significant amount of
play in the input shaft at the differential.  The ujoints seem to not have
any play in them.  I get a rather serious clunk from the rear end on
starting up and when pushing in the clutch. Also, even driving at steady speed
I hear a noticable rumbling from the rear. Thus I am contemplating replacing
the differential, hopefully before it totally goes out on me.  Does anyone
know of a good source?  Victoria has one listed for $499.95, which beats
TRF which wants $799.95.  My car is a 1979, NOT California.  Any suggestions
on a good source will be appreciated.  Anyone had experience with the ones
from Victoria or TRF?  Are they good quality?  I have had pretty good luck
with both providers on other parts, but have not bought a major component from
them - yet.  Thanks.

Bob Clark

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