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The sun shines...........BUT NOT FOR ME !!!!

Subject: The sun shines...........BUT NOT FOR ME !!!!
From: Lennart.Broekhof@Holland.Sun.COM (Lennart Broekhof)
Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 11:49:02 +0200
Sometimes....................some days.......

Yesterday evening I was driving with my Vitesse and suddenly the diff
made a terrifying noise :-( and the gearbox rattled like hell.
I also lost the drive (?) to the wheels.
I could switch gears, and when I let the clutch-pedal come up the engine 
turned off. (Same thing what will happen if you forget to release the 
With the clutch-pedal up in it's free position the car rattles somewhere
at the end of the propeller shaft/gearbox which rattle stops as soon as
I push the clutch-pedal.
I was able to roll the car without blocking or having any noise from the 
When the engine was still warm I could switch gears but since the engine 
is cold I can't switch gears anymore.
Does anyone have any experience with this ?
Are the diff and gearbox really dead now ?
And what about the overdrive, is it possible that the OD also died in the 
line off fire ??

Lennart Broekhof

"It really hurts when you're coming home with your Triumph on a trailer"

                                  (@ @)                 


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