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Cracked TR-2 Head

Subject: Cracked TR-2 Head
From: "Steve Manwell" <Steve_Manwell@WE-KNOW-ENERGY.XENERGY.COM>
Date: Tue, 02 May 95 15:50:23 EST
Encoding: 17 Text

I am working on a Triumph TR-2 engine with a cracked head. (Sorry, 
only the engine is Triumph; it will be surrounded by my 1954 Morgan 
Plus Four)   The crack is between the intake and exhaust valve seats 
on one cylinder.

Current plan is to have the crack "stitched" and put in seat inserts. 
Apparently welding and seat inserts may be an alternative.

Has anyone had experience with fixing such a crack on a TR 2/3/4 or 
other cast iron head?  TR2 heads are relatively scarce and often 
cracked, so it seems worthwhile to figure out a solution.

Steve Manwell

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