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Re: TR-3 doglegs

Subject: Re: TR-3 doglegs
From: John Wroclawski <>
Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 14:32:23 -0400
   From: R John Lye <>

   While I don't know for sure whether they are "supposed" to
   be leather or vinyl,

FWIW here are a couple more bits of data:

For TR2's and 3's (that is, before TS22014) the parts book lists only
one number (well, one number per color) for each of these
components. I've never seen any that weren't leather. Perhaps these
(this would also include the front bulkhead capping rail) were leather
on all of these cars, even those with vinyl seats.

After that point (3A's) the book has a different number for
leather-trimmed and vinyl-trimmed versions of each of these parts. 

I was a little surprised when I found this because I had a late 3A
once that had leather doglegs and vinyl everything-else, and I had
thought it was original trim. I assumed they couldn't get vinyl to
work on the doglegs, but either the factory was not completely
consistant or that car's doglegs had been replaced. Anyone else seen
inconsistancy like this?

John Wroclawski

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