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Re: let's talk leprosy...<>

Subject: Re: let's talk leprosy...<>
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Tue, 02 May 1995 08:58:49 +0000 (GMT)
>I'm so glad that other people in the world treat their LBCs like cars.  My
>TR6 is my daily driver and it irks me so much when I see some trailer
>queen sitting in someones garage not getting driven because it will hurt
>the owner's investment.  Or the people who b&m about the dent in the RL
>wing that would cost as much to fix as it would for me to rebuild my
>engine this summer.  Or the poly carpet instead of wool that helped fund
>the LongFlo header.  Or me zooming down the highway at 100+ at noon on a
>cloudless summer day letting the tires melt, the interior crack and the
>engine roar.

  I quite agree,  My '73 Spit is a non standard yellow with a grey primer,
rusty bonnet, a quarter valance that is about to drop of, patched up sills,
and a gearbox that makes more noise than a Guns N Roses concert(maybe!!), and
has done god knows how many miles (although I've done 30000 in the last 16
People constantly ask me when I'm gonna do the body up and respray it, to which 
I reply 'Who Knows, who cares, it keeps going and it makes me smile'.  You then
get the usual load of crap about 'It would be worth alot of money in good
condition' (how much is a lot of money), from people who know sod all about
cars, especially old ones(cars that is), and drive around in modern things like
Fo*ds and Va**halls(Yawn).  At the end of the day, my car cost 200 pounds(no
pound sign on this damn keyboard), is cheap to run and insure and gives me alot
of pleasure - Probably more pleasure than the people get who trailer their cars
to shows, spend all their time polishing them, pick up a farty little trophy,
trailer it back home, and lock it in their heated garage.  What a waste of a
car.  Triumphs were built to be driven NOT locked away until there isn't a
chance of rain falling before being allowed out to play.  
  A high ranking official in a British Triumph club(no names being mentioned),
recently said in the club magazine "Triumphs were designed to be driven not
locked away for posterity"(or words to that effect) he then followed with 
"now the good weathers here I've brought the Vitesse out of storage".  A bit 
hypocritical don't you think.  
Right, I've had my moan for the morning, does anyone else agree/disagree.  If
I've offended anyone, well basically tough, I didn't mean to.

England - The place where LBC's are getting a rare sight, not through rust and
being broken, but from being locked away in bloody garages all the time.

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