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Re: Rebuilding Stromberg carbs

Subject: Re: Rebuilding Stromberg carbs
From: Henry Frye <>
Date: Tue, 2 May 95 08:10:27 PDT
>Subject: Rebuilding Stromberg carbs
>From:    Henry Frye <> at CCGTWINT
>Date:    4/30/95  8:30 AM
>>I disassembled the carb as per the book and everything
>>was going fine until I got to the step where I took the $8.00
>>tool and inserted it into the piston sleeve.  There is nothing
>>down there to remove!  Isn't there a mixture adjusting 
>>something down there?
>>I then removed the grub screw and needle, and everything
>>went smoothly from there.
>>Do some carbs not have the mix adjustment sitting on top of
>>needle?  Perhaps a later carb with a tamper-resistant mixture 
>Ha! You are making the mistake of believing that all Z-S carbs are created
>equal! Not so...
>Some have adjustable jets, some have adjustable needles, and some don't
>have adjustable nothing.
>Your mission, Mr. Frye, should you decide to accept it, is to figure out
>which type of carb you have...

As if I really have a choice...

My carbs appear to have adjustable nothing.  

To verify this, can anyone discribe the difference?

If I do not respond in a timely manner, assume I went fishing. (Henry Frye)

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