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I'm a leper

Subject: I'm a leper
From: Greg Meboe <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 1995 11:00:54 -0700 (PDT)
On Fri, 28 Apr 1995 DANIELS@LMSBV3.TAMU.EDU wrote:
> Greg Meboe  scribes:
> >     I saw an ad in the paper yesterday, "215 aluminum V-8, needs to 
> >be rebuilt, many new parts -- $250", and you know what I began to think...
> >See the motor in the Spit is only a 2.0 six, and it's getting a little 
> Yah!  Go for it!  It's got all the right ingredients - aluminum, good 
> price, won't have to use the cutting torch _too_ much to slide in there.
> So would the VTR make you show this in the Mod. class?
> Lee M. Daniels   Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding   Texas A&M 

Well, I'm already falling in the Leper class with Teri-Ann, since I use 
Zymol wax on my car and fill with unleaded gas, two things that weren't 
aviailable in 1967.  So a V-8 isn't really that far of a stretch.

In all seriousness, I just have this Spit to drive, not to sell.  Lots of 
people say they're poorly made cars, and I really can't disagree with them.  
But it's got so much character, and I enjoy it more than any other car I've 
ever driven.  After I transplanted the 2.0 six in, the handling went down a 
little, but it still was an enjoyable car.  I think the V-8 would improve the 
handling, and give a little more torque in the low end.

I'm not worried what others will say, for in fact you won't be able to 
tell anything's amiss if I leave the bonnet down.
Perhaps Teri-Ann and I can start our own "Lepers with closed bonnets" 
class at the next VTR Meet.

                            Greg Meboe
                            Dept. of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
                            Washington State University,  Pullman, Wa.
                            '85 XJ-12 H.E. (daily)  '67 Spit-6 '74 TR-6

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