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wheel straightening

Subject: wheel straightening
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 95 09:29:05 EST
Encoding: 26 Text
     Group - FYI,
     I had the steel road wheels off my TR6 straightened by a shop here in 
     Dallas that specializes in frame straightening. I found them in the 
     Yellow Pages - their ad indicated that they also did wheels. I found
     that the prices were based on the amount of time that was spent per
     wheel, but the estimate I got was for $40 per wheel, based on their 
     examination. That was to include repainting, but I waved that off in 
     favor of my own painting expertise. I wound up having all four worked 
     on, it cost me $200, (including dismounting/remounting) and 
     rebalancing, and I repainted them myself. 
     Most importantly, I can cruise at SPEED and not fight the wheel like
     I was before.
     SO, it sounds like either I got a great deal, or $79 ++ is incredibly
     I'd suggest looking for a local frame shop that might offer the same
     kind of services that I found. By the way, heat is often used in the 
     process of straightening and excessive heat can weaken the wheels, so 
     ask it and be advised. Generally, if the rim is deformed, it will 
     have to be heated to be reformed. If the bend is at the seating plane,
     straightening can be done without much heat.

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