The oil coolers for the two cars are quite different in size and shape
and I would doubt very much if you could adapt one from an Alpine 5 to a
Tiger II. The Alpine version is mounted at the back of the grill
opening and extends the full width of the opening. The Tiger's cooler
is more rectangular and mounts on the left side down low in front of the
radiator. Interestingly, the mounting brackets are present on the MkIA
Tigers and may be there on the MkI's but I have never thought to look.
I know because I used to have an o.c from a Tiger II on my MKIA. At the
moment, a friend and I are in the process of parting out a very rusty
Alpine 5. Some one asked if it had a cooler, so I took a look, and sure
enough, there was. However, when I tried to take it off, the attaching
nipple on the left side broke off due to the rust.
I never thought that the cooler was very effective on my Tiger since my
guess is that any benefit that you might gain from added cooling of the
oil is given back by the extra blockage of the air flow caused by the
o.c. being in front of the radiator. Most of the cooling woes of the
Tiger happen at low speed. Once you are moving, the problems mostly
disappear. Of course, if we are talking about competition, it is a
whole different story and having an o.c. may be helpful.
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