Here's a couple of pics of what I have. The coil is brand-new so hopefully
it isn't cooked!
On the passenger side you can see where my fuel line coming out of the " el
cheapo" regulator is laying flat on the intake. Could that possibly
contribute to my problem? ( if - it's vapor-lock )
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul R Sheahan" <>
To: "R Smith" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: vapor-lock???
> Rob,
> Check your coil. If it is located over the
> manifold, it is getting cooked. If the car sits for
> awhile, it will run great. After you drive it for a
> short trip it starts to act up again.
> Go get you a new coil and maybe relocate it away
> from the top of the engine.
> Good luck.
> Paul
> Paul R Sheahan
> 3 Tigers and Always Searching