Lots of discussion about FI for the Tiger, interference with body,
single vs multiple injector design, realized increase in performance, etc.
I would think that there would be tons of discussion on the most
difficult part, the integration of the exhaust platinum sensors and the
very expensive and highly vehicle individual electronic computer that
allows this thing to work at all.
Used computers are not cheap, and getting them to work in a modified
installation requires a lot of knowledge, engine dyno testing, computer
chip adjustments, etc. This is the difficult part, not mechanical fit.
At least that was my experience on this task with my Red Toi ("My Life
With Cars")
< http://www.tigersunited.com/articles/sl-mc/SteveLaifman.asp >
when I swapped out the VW engine for the Fiero V-6. Even the exhaust
system back pressure, muffler(s) tail pipe length, and catalytic
converter alterations between Fiero and my custom installation, made
significant differences between fine performance and "won't run".
The "hand held" computer checker is worthless unless used for the
make/model/design original, and the rolling cart version can cost more
than your car, and only work on the brand and range of vehicles intended.
Check this out before committing time and resources, or it could cost
you plenty (as it did me).
Steve Laifman