In moving the rack back 0.5" what method did you use to accomplish this?
Did you cut and re-weld the mounts on the crossmember? My recollection is
that the rubber covers seem to come very close to dragging on the
crossmember in the factory position. Is the notched portion (for the rack)
of the crossmember made even larger to accomplish this, or is the clearance
more than I recall?
Last year I had my crossmember out and performed all the Crawley/Logan
modifications, as well a few of my own. I had know that moving the rack back
was helpful, but as my car sat (from the previous owners) there only seemed
to be about 0.25" clearance between the rack and pulley. Thus, I assumed
there were significant tolerances in Tigers and some people were just more
fortunate than others.
Additionally I had to replace the front clip (outer fenders radiator
cradle, valance etc.). Even though the hood edge gaps are correct the
radiator seemed to be further back after the change. This created very
little radiator to (Volvo) fan clearance. To remedy the matter I slotted the
engine mounts (trans. mount is already slotted) and was able to move the
engine back 3/8"-1/2." This morning after reading your email I took a look
and realized I now seem to have 3/4"-7/8" rack to pulley clearance.
Therefore, I am contemplating pulling the crossmember and adding this 1/2"
movement of the rack.
Regards, Tom Witt