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Re: 260 vs 289

To: Rande Bellman <rande@thecia.net>
Subject: Re: 260 vs 289
From: R�gent Gagnon <regentgagnon@rogers.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 07:27:29 -0400
Regent Gagnon
B382100371 (Orchid Green)
Ottawa, Canada

On Aug 20, 2004, at 6:39, Rande Bellman wrote:

> The rap about why Shelby gave Rootes ill-prepared 260's to use instead 
> of the 289's he used for his own cars could be nailed down by Shelby 
> if someone had the talent to ask him in a non-accusatory way. The 
> urban myth is that it was to intentionally give Rootes a disadvantage. 
> I'd love to hear Shelbys side.

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