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Re: Removing rusty bolts (non-Tiger related - but of interest)

To: "James E. Pickard" <geowiz@cox-internet.com>
Subject: Re: Removing rusty bolts (non-Tiger related - but of interest)
From: John Clark <clarkjc@runbox.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 01:37:11 -0500

Soak them with PB B'laster from the Blaster Chemical Companies, Inc. in 
Valley View, Ohio.  I have removed many a rusty exhaust manifold bolt using 
this spray, available at your local auto parts store.

- John

At 10:19 PM 3/15/2004 -0600, you wrote:
>I'm rebuilding a BBQ (gee, didn't this subject just come up?) and I need to
>remove some rusty bolts that have had the added advantage of being roasted
>at high temperature for years.  Sort of like the bolts on a Tiger exhaust
>manifold.  Any advise on how to remove them?  They can be destroyed in the
>process, as long as I can get all the pieces out.
>Jim Pickard

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