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Re: 4 bbl carb 500 cfm or 650?

To: "Almjeld, Paul" <PaAlmjel@dwu.edu>, Tiger list
Subject: Re: 4 bbl carb 500 cfm or 650?
From: R�gent Gagnon <regentgagnon@rogers.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 17:41:43 -0500
Hi Paul,

I have a 600 cfm Holley on my car with the old style Torker intake, a
performance cam and Canon headers. Fuel consumption is terrible at anything
above 2500 rpm in 4th gear, but the car accelerates like crazy! I am
changing the intake and might go to a 500 cfm for a good compromise of
drivability, fun and a less guilty conscience about spewing unburnt gas out
of the tailpipes.
Regent Gagnon
B382100371 (Orchid Green)
Ottawa, Canada 

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