Bill Gegg's wire diagrams are excellent color copies of the diagrams
in the manual. He did a fantastic job.
Please note there is one slight error copied over from the manual.
The heater switch is not a single throw switch. The heater switch should be
a Lucas switch just like the rest of the switches in the diagram.
If you are working on the wire harness write down the wire locations at the
heater switch before you remove the wires.
Ron Fraser
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Steve Laifman
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 7:30 PM
To: Bob Diehl
Subject: Re: Electrical Schematic
Wonderful idea, and everyone should have one. Unfortunately, the
original wiring diagrams were not in color. The ones on The Workshop
Manual on are, thanks to Bill Gegg's's careful work.
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